A Poetic Essay



Girls from Latency to Puberty

Girls in age 6 - 7 are what Freud described as the Stage of Latency. Girls in this period are the most adventurous. They are not reluctant to try everything. They don't mind what others will think of their actions and behaviors. They have absolute freedom.

But when they enter the adolescent stage, everything seems to shift. They're like fighting themselves in a raging storm.

Girls age between 7 - 11 struggles during this period. Lights are turning off. Glasses are shattering. Leaves are falling. Every girl is trying to survive in this so-called massive storm that she is encountering.

During this battle, the wholeness of girls is being fragmented into pieces.  Problems encountered can have an enormous connection in their adult lives. This is one of the reasons, in order to help a person, why most psychologist relay on the childhood memories of the person. During the adolescence years, girls underwent a drastic change - physical, mental, emotional, and social change.

Choice plays a vital key here - a choice that may lead them to the brighter side, but if left unsolved will result in greater chaos. So before the storm, make sure everybody is prepared. During the storm, everybody should be intact. And after, everybody should help.



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