A Poetic Essay



Girls Vs Society : How Girls Lose their True Selves

Changes and challenges in life are overwhelming the development of girls during puberty stage - from a simple life of childhood to a more complex and broad life of adulthood. They are losing their real individuality. Life of girls is more concern with their weight. They want to be perfect because of their fear of rejection.

Girls are being asked to have a particular choice: to be authentic or to be loved.

Being authentic is being real. It is accepting the truth concerning herself - believing what had happened and what is currently happening.

If they choose to be loved, they will abandon their true selves. If to be authentic, they are to be abandoned by society.

When girls reach puberty, they choose to be loved. Thus they prefer to be socially accepted. They are being trained to be kind rather than to be honest. Society identifies a bitch as someone who speaks freely. Girls are being trained to be a lady and to be visually accepted by the mainstream. Not being attractive is equivalent to being scorned.

In early adolescent, girls learn how important appearance is in defining social acceptability. For girls to success, being attractive is a necessity. The culture dictates girls to be feminine.

Girls can fight back. Parents may protect them except they have limited power. Girls must understand their culture. Being smart is the answer. Being wise will holds their authentic individuality.



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