A Poetic Essay


Pieces of Knowledge from Parents

A conversation with parents will make a child feel significant and grown up. And it also set the condition for how they take custody of their child's education. They are identified as the most influential teachers. They value the teaching their child is gaining in school, but they know there is a difference between acquiring knowledge and developing wisdom.

Our parents knew that an essential part of a good education required the discipline of daily learning. But the most relevant education a child can get to their parents is shaping. They lived what they taught every day of their lives. And modeling is the most permanent form of teaching.

We wouldn’t be where we are now if it weren’t for the passion, support, and teaching of our parents.

Here are the 10 principles our parents taught us.

1.    Responsibility
As soon as we learned how to walk, parents required us to pick up our toys and put them on their proper place. They let us know what our duties would be. Washing dishes is an example. As the reward, we got to participate in a fun family activity. Anyone from our siblings who didn’t do his chores had to stay home to finish them.
It is a good system to help children learn to make good choices and manage their time well.

2.   Work Ethic
At a time when numerous people couldn’t find work, our parents sometimes held down three jobs at once. They would go to a business where they wanted to get a job and they would meet with the owner and make him an offer.
They worked a lot of free days but they also got jobs when they needed them. They always said that there’s work to be had by anyone who wants it badly.
As a child, our parents required us to do our homework before we play. We also learned that as we got older, we were to work more and play less. So we weren’t surprised when we were given additional duties to perform as we got older.

3.    Determination
Our parents’ determination has served us well in adulthood. It helped us keep going when our responsibilities sometimes overwhelming.

4.   Attitude
We learned the importance of positive attitude from our parents, continue to model positive thinking and living to us.

5.    Potential
They constantly built us up, encouraging us and instilling in us a desire to reach our potential.
6.   Relationships
They put relationships at the top of their priorities. They modelled a good relationship with one another and with other people around them.
7.   Stewardship
Parents taught us the promise that we were to bring the whole tithe into the storehouse and that God would throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
We are told that everything we had belonged to God and that our job was to faithfully take care of what He gave us, to be good stewards.

8.   Honesty
There was always a consistency between their words and actions, and we count on them to be honest with us about anything.

9.   Generosity
Because of our parents’ generosity, we thought we were the richest people in town. Our parents were always giving and expecting nothing in return.

10. Dependence on God
The most important principle our parents taught us was dependence on God. “He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous faill” (Palm 55:22)

When we grow up and have our own family, know that your children need different things from you. Just remember that your goal is to prepare them all during their lives for the time when they will be making their own choices. That’s the real value of education, and we are their most important teacher.



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