A Poetic Essay



A genuine friendship can help fight off feelings of depression, isolation, and despair, and can promote improved health. Although developing quality friendships needs some effort, it's energy fully invested.

Here are some approaches to better maximize your relationship.

Maximize friendships a priority
Even though life is hectic and time-limited, people are a primary root of happiness. Their friends are significant to them, no matter how busy their schedules, they've developed a lifestyle and a way of allocating their time that enables them to have various profound relationships with people.


Be selective
It is vital to be selective. Keep people whose company is enjoyable, supportive, and affirming. Cut those who belittle, betray, or hurt you. Avoid becoming engaged in toxic relationships. Clinging to negative friendships only adds another burden to living.

Keep Communication Open
Pick up the phone and call people, you haven't heard from in a while. Take a few minutes to message someone you have been thinking about. Even in a busy environment where people move around a lot, it's still attainable to keep lines of communication open.

Be Generous with Praise
Master the art of affirmation. Train your eye to see positives in the people around you.
When you practice it, you are knitting a little invisible network of communication and caring within yourself and another.

Be Cautious with Criticisms
Nothing will destroy a friendship faster than a barrage of criticism. Don't expect perfection. Never coerce someone to think the way you do. 
Before giving critiques, follow this guideline:
  • ·        If it is painful and awkward for you to criticize a friend, your purpose is probably pure and you're generally safe in expressing
  • ·        If the criticism causes you the slightest pleasure, it would be smarter to say nothing.

Practice Loyalty
A necessary element for any deep and lasting relationship is loyalty. People rich in friendships that measure decades and cross generations know how to be loyal, overcoming stormy times, and staying close when one is encountering difficulty.

Show your Love
Nothing will intensify a friendship more than a practical act of loving-kindness, especially during difficult circumstances.

Developing optimal friendships will not only improve life but deliver an invigorating power for wounded souls.



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