A Poetic Essay


Protecting our Mental Health during Pandemic

As news regarding the Covid-19 outbreak continues to control the news report and millions of people all over the world—is being urged to self-quarantine, it has become consistently vital to give as much awareness to our mental health as we do to our physical health.
It is necessary to note that heightened levels of anxiety, worry, and fear are common responses to the global coronavirus pandemic. The virus worsens feelings of doubt and causes one keenly conscious of the wellness of themselves, their kids, household, and society in general.

Stressful or traumatic experiences place people at higher risk for not solely weak physical well-being, though poor mental health consequences, like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. You may see that people around you or yourself are more tense, moody, or angry; feeble; afraid or troubled; hopeless, down, or pessimistic. Sleep may be disturbed and less stimulating. Doing social distancing may cause you to feel abandoned or detached. You may have less patience than before in case you are at home with kids.

How to Protect the Mental Health

Cut back Screen Time

While striving to stay informed regarding what the most desirable way forward is in social media, all possible situations, falsity, and infoxication can develop a downward twist. Try to manage your social media time to a minute or two every day, and when you are online, seek to communicate with people or view stories that make you happy and won’t be adding to your anxiety.

Your brain is developed to fix the dilemma. And it automatically hunts down stimuli in your surroundings to recondition the feeling of anxiety. The brain then eliminates, changes, and theorizes all incoming insights that do not follow with your current emotional beliefs or disposition. Therefore, in case you consume a notable amount of time watching the news, it strengthens more reason to fret— hence generating a chain reaction.

Know That This Will End         

Even though as of this moment, the pandemic feels abounding, we have to put in our mind and our children that it will not be. Even when we don’t know the precise interval, the demand for closures, social distancing, and the life-altering occurrences aren't eternal. Acknowledging this causes it a lot easier to endure.

Connect With People

Human interrelation is an essential factor for mental health.  Having social media platforms can promote a feeling of uniformity and give helpful outlets for relieving stress and sharing feelings. Ensure that you're giving this a priority, regardless if you’re connecting with others via an online game, video call, phone call, chat, or face-to-face.

Get Info From Reliable Sources

It’s best to remain informed about what is happening though there are merely many things happening day in and out. And it can be hard to recognize what is truth and what is a twitter chain message when you add in the inaccuracy. Expert recommends lessening your social media usage and simply connecting to notable resources to stay updated on important and accurate news.

Exercise with the Family

Social isolation can prompt somber feelings and even despair. Exercise is reliably acknowledged to battle these feelings, therefore use in-home devices and search workouts through the web.

Have a regular bike rides or walks in case you are not quarantined, particularly for kids. I recommend exercising at least three times weekly for a minimum of half an hour. Established a daily, scheduled times for workouts.


When anxiety intensifies, it is natural for us to emancipate our concrete self-care habits, prioritizing other projects—such as household and work tasks. Still, this is the point we have to follow self-care the most. Therefore establish a few times for yourself daily, despite being shrunken back, to create something that makes you feel great. Regardless if it's listening to your favorite music or podcast, playing with your pet, reading a book, or journaling. Additionally, don't forget the crucial self-care exercises such as daily physical activity, having enough sleep, and eating healthy.

Talk to Professionals

At this time, numerous mental health experts are offering teletherapy while travel and personal communication aren’t advised during this pandemic.  Try communicating with a mental health specialist even though you haven’t before. Ensure you have continuous access to all medicines you need.

Bear in mind that the feelings you may be experiencing are common responses to stressful situations. Acknowledge that things are different as of the moment and people are adapting. Prioritize what’s more essential and understand that it’s fine to allow some things to go here and now.

Seek to remain positive and work this time to kick and hang around with your spouse or kids, work things you’ve been delaying, like interacting with your creative side, acquiring a new skill, or taking an online class. Keep in mind that things will return to normal and this too shall pass.



Ways You Can Help During Pandemic

Without a doubt, the best and most obvious methods to help people while under the coronavirus pandemic is to cancel some get-together particularly above and beyond 10 individuals,  self-quarantine if you are ill or assume you've been exposed with the virus, social distance if you need to leave, and wash your hands.
While lending a hand might look absurd to “self-quarantining” during the COVID-19 crisis, there are loads of alternatives to compensate safely! Here are some ideas for how you can become connected while staying at your place.

Support relatives / help neighbours acquire supplies

Extend help to relatives or next-door-neighbor who might require some help obtaining basic groceries. In case you live a distance from an older relative, you can help order arranging delivery so they won't need to leave the house.

Make contact with your neighbors to check if you can get supplies for them in case you're going out to the supermarket. It's a perfect time to be concerned with the neighbors and help the public while we all remain closer to our house in the next few weeks.

Share extra supplies

Don’t be a hoarder. It's not the final battle regardless of how things may appear right now. There’s a lot of food left. Think about sharing those extra stocks of commodities and products with those who might have been in the lower class in case you managed to buy at a supermarket. It might be as smooth as delivering a sack/box of essential commodities and inquiring your friends on Facebook or Instagram.

Support local and low-income businesses

In case you choose to order food from a diner or fast-food outlet, don't forget to give a tip to the riders who deliver your food. They’re possibly encountering economic challenges because of a lack of buyers, therefore every money helps (no matter how big or small it is).

If small businesses are momentarily closed, you can likewise keep them in the pipeline by buying a gift voucher for when they’re running and back up.

Help those in need or homeless

People who are homeless deal with vital distress from the Covid-19. In general, they have worse health, frequently have preexisting illnesses that give them impaired immune systems, and usually suffer from restlessness and insomnia. What’s more, they’re less likely to be protected.

Attempt to reach your local homeless service organizations or shelters to see what they need most presently. During this pandemic, give money to support those coping to find refuge. Please consider giving benefactions of nonperishable goods, hygiene commodities, clothing, or bedding to a local organization or shelter. Simply make a call and figure out what they need most.

Donate Blood

Nowadays, due to canceled donations, there is a “critical blood shortage.” You can help provided that you're healthy. Particularly considering various blood drives arranged all over the world have been called off because of the Covid19, clinics, and hospitals are in dire need of plasma, platelets, and blood donations.

Donate Money

To give a prompt financial backing for housekeepers, nursemaids, and in-home care aids during this coronavirus, donate to a few Covid19 relief funds or foundations. You can decide to transfer your money to affected households, healthcare experts, or foundations serving very hard to acquire provisions and food for those who need it most.

Support our FrontLiners

It's your chance to give a message of support and encouragement in case you know any laboratory technicians, pharmacists, security guards, kitchen staff, street sweepers, nurses, and doctors. Just learning that we’re thinking and cheering them can help them gain the strength to not give up and push forward.

Bear in mind — throughout this crisis, when people are frightened, and tomorrow is unpredictable, it’s unto us to cooperate and work together (by phone and virtually, in this situation) to help and care for one another. Doing something encouraging is likewise an excellent idea to feel a bit more typical during such odd moments.

We can encourage and support one another in several means! Remember that this quarantine is a type of social unity, and we are all teaming up to provide our healthcare system a lift.




10 Things Teens Can Do During Quarantine

Staying at your place during this pandemic is an obligation for one’s well-being and the welfare of the whole society. To consume time without leaving is usually quite gratifying: staying in a sheltered area and having a sound rest is greatly pleasing. However, a month or two in the house might look punishing, and give the impression of agony.

There are plenty of ambiguities and paradoxes, and it can be especially difficult to remain still and concentrate on other stuff when you're overwhelmed with the report, internet community scoops, and messages from your family and friends urging you to remain safe. It appears like all the things you watch, see, and listen to is regarding solely with the coronavirus.

As it might not be the idea all of us thought to consume the following few weeks, it is time to strive to shift our mindset thoroughly. I am sharing a few pastimes throughout this Quarantine to help you to be productive while attempting to get this challenging incident as fun as we can.

What is a Coronavirus?

Coronavirus creates a respiratory condition described as COVID-19. Manifestations include shortness of breath, fever, and cough.  A majority of the cases (approximately 8/10) are mild. The worse cases can cause critical lung impairment.

By sneezing or coughing, a diseased individual could spread the virus through proximate bodily contact. Another form is when an individual touched contaminated stuff or covering and then rubbed the mouth or eyes later on.

Things You Can Do

·        Play Board Games or Puzzle

Family recreation in the evening has never been more precious. Flaunt your Monopoly or Scrabble board, or suggest playing some poker. Solve a Sudoku or crossword puzzle.

·        Do Sports 

Staying healthy without the chance to leave is not an issue. Water bottles can replace the weights. All you require is a particular place and great condition. It is necessary to stay healthy and be productive. Additionally, exercises help ease anxiety and adverse feelings. Pump up your body with your chosen songs.

·        Watch Funny Videos

Switch off the headlines for a moment and begin watching something that gives you the laughter. It might be any variety show or funny program on Netflix or some hilarious clip on TikTok or YouTube. Laughter is a strong medication, indeed.

·        Clean and Organize your Room

Today is your opportunity to go to that sorting out or managing project that's been on your program for the time being. It will make you seem helpful, and it may even be entertaining to take some brainstorming, working to solve where you desire to place all your things.

·        Try Cooking

Attempt to improve your cooking abilities and dare yourself to make delicious yet low-fat meals. You can toss up with your buddies on the lushest food snaps on Instagram. Experiment, seek new recipes, savor your meal, and be gratified being a chef!

·        Avoid Social Media

It is not simple to manage oneself and handle tension in the light of risk and crisis; therefore it is necessary to remain cool and look out of one’s psychological wellbeing. Amongst the conditions that prompt the stress are faulty or false reports. Strive to refrain from reading extremely particularly on social networks. Believe only reputable references like credible testimonials and announcements conceived by the administration.

·        Call Some of your Relatives

Seldom, the accounts that we possess as a nation vanishes without a mutter when we miss our relatives. Every second with your family is a blessing, even via a telephone. Or create a group email and post electronic notes every day.

·        Recharge Yourself

Having adequate rest and sleep undoubtedly affects skin health. An afternoon nap can be extremely energizing. Amongst the advantages of siestas is a mental thing. It can be a means to appear carefree and restored. Though, you can obtain your fundamental appearance even finer with a developed beauty treatment. Creams, masks, and scrubs can sustain, brighten, and clean your skin.

·        Video Call with Friends

Schedule sooner or later to arrange a facetime with a few of your buddies to look at and see if they're doing just fine. It can be a weekly conversation, or you can be expressive. We've noticed colleagues playing a game, having a snack, watching a film, and exercising together digitally.

·        Discover New Things

Amongst the best remedies from monotony is a new practice and skill. Watch movies, listen to songs, seek new ventures, and prepare new recipes you would commonly dodge. Perhaps deep within, there is an enormous skill for drawing or writing, dancer or makeup guru. You likewise discover more concerning yourself and recognize what is pleasurable for you by immersing in new projects.


Keeping your sense away from the crisis, along with the extreme amount of opportunity you hold on your hands throughout quarantine can benefit you evade the signs of obvious deprivation. I hope these ideas can benefit you throughout this period.



My Desire

I look into your eyes, you seem to smile
You were talking, but I can’t hear your voice
I touched your face, but only air I felt
I held your hand, only to realize I was holding mine.

I need to feel how to be loved by you.
I want to be happy being with you.
Even if I know, it's merely for a while
I am holding on for the chance it might.

That someday you can love me too
And I can hold you close to me
Although for now, I could not do
Because you are holding someone else's too.


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